skin cancers per year in France, more than 2/3 of which are linked to excessive sun exposure. FRM
Reduce our exposure,
but why?
Join us and follow our expert advice for a better protected skin.
Reduce your UV exposure!

Wherever you are, Meersens helps you measure your exposure and empowers you.
Find out in real time your exposure to UV rays and identify the intensity of exposure in order to adopt the right actions.
The Meersens app guides you and notifies you in the event of high exposures.
With the Meersens solution and its global community of whistleblowers, explore a complete mapping, wherever you are in the world of all UV exposure alerts and measurements.
Also be notified whenever your exposure exceeds the recommended thresholds.
An exit to the park? Want to go for a stroll at the beach? Choose the best time and the least exposed place to take precautions.
Analyze in real time and wherever you are, the UVA and UVB radiation levels thanks to the mBox.
One press for immediate measurement thanks to the mBox, the connected object that adapts to your daily life and helps you make the best choices for your health and that of your loved ones.
Your health indicator that will follow you throughout the day.
This environmental quality index allows you to analyze in real time, pollutant by pollutant, the impact of risks on your health. By taking into account an infinity of variables such as your personal profile, your pathologies, your exposure monitoring and your life habits …
Adopt the right actions for a healthier life!
It’s not only on the beach in summer that we have to protect ourselves and do the right things, but every day, to reduce the risks to our health.
Join a global community of whistleblowers working for healthier lives.
Thanks to the Meersens solution and its global community of whistleblowers, explore a complete mapping, wherever you are in the world, of all the problems encountered as a result of excessive UV radiation.
UV news
The MAQI: global air quality and health index for all
The MAQI: the first global air quality index taking into account the impact of environment and health.
Artificial tanning: what dangers for the skin and health?
Artificial tanning: Exposing your skin to artificial UV at least once in your life increases the risk of cutaneous melanoma by 15%.
Sun and permanent hair removal: what you need to know
The sun represents the main contraindication for permanent hair removal. It is important to avoid UV rays before and after a session
Le classement des Villes Santé 2024 en France
Villes santé 2024 : découvrez sans plus tarder notre classement des villes où il fait bon vivre en 2024 en France.
Our solutions to limit exposure

The mBox and its mSens sensors
The connected object that adapts to your daily life and helps you make the best choices for your health and that of your loved ones.