Les données environnementales les plus évolutives, précises et hyperlocales. Exploitez des données intelligentes sur la pollution pour réduire les risques à l’avance et améliorer vos opérations.

La plateforme API de Meersens gère plus de 150 polluants et paramètres, vous donnant de nouvelles façons d’atteindre vos objectifs et d’améliorer vos opérations.

Explorer les données sur la qualité de l'air >

Explorer les données de pollen >

Explorer les données de pollution sonore >

Explorer les données sur la qualité de l'eau du robinet >

Explorer les données d'UV >

Explorer les données de météo >
• Particules fines PM2.5
• Particules fines PM10
• Ozone O3
• Dioxyde de soufre SO2
• Monoxyde de carbone CO

• Graminées
• Mauvaises herbes

• Graminées
• Mauvaises herbes

• Levening : bruit moyen du soir entre 18 et 22 heures.
• Lnight : bruit moyen de nuit entre 22 heures et 6 heures du matin
• LDEN : bruit moyen journalier
• Bruit des chemins de fer
• Bruit aérien

• Chimique
• Microbiologique

• Irradiation horizontale globale

• Humidité relative
• Pression atmosphérique
• Vitesse et direction du vent
• Précipitation
• Couverture nuageuse

Our APIs are designed to offer smart environmental data from anywhere in the world, anytime, with the most seamless integration on the market.
Because your time is precious, our API platform has standardized all environmental APIs, letting you connect to any environmental data with the minimal integration effort. Air quality, pollens, weather, noise pollution and others are just a few lines of code away!
All our data are available given various temporalities:
- Current conditions: get real-time environmental data anywhere in the world.
- History: access to more than 3 years of environmental historic data, with daily aggregations, trends & insights.
- Forecast: stay one step ahead with hourly & high confidence forecast up to 4 days.

Global coverage,
unmatched accuracy
Scientific-based data,
adapted to your use-cases.
Gain an unparalleled edge by utilizing environmental data supported by esteemed authorities such as the W.H.O and U.S. EPA. Their expertise guarantees precision and reliability, empowering you to make decisions with a significant impact. Place your trust in the best as we work together to shape a sustainable world!
While pollution and environmental data can be complex to decipher, rest assured that our data conforms to the high standards set by renowned authorities. Additionally, you have the flexibility to establish your own criteria, perfectly aligned with the unique requirements of your business!

Ask more from your data,
actionate them!
Unlock the full potential of your environmental and pollution data through our state-of-the-art API platform. Effortlessly harness data from various sources and time periods, gaining real-time insights that facilitate intelligent decision-making and heightened environmental consciousness. Our API empowers your business to enhance operations, minimize pollution, optimize resource allocation, and adhere to environmental regulations seamlessly. Embrace the transformative power of environmental intelligence and position your company at the cutting edge of innovation!
The best recommendations,
anywhere, anytime.
Experience the unmatched capabilities of Meersens’ recommendation engine – the gateway to the most appropriate health and behavior advice, sourced from an extensive database of over 8000 options. With precision as its cornerstone, this state-of-the-art engine offers personalized solutions for optimal well-being and safety. Whether you seek health tips, environmental guidance, or safety measures, Meersens guarantees that you receive the most pertinent and effective recommendations.
Tailored messages to stakeholders based on the environment’s quality ensure personalized recommendations. By addressing their specific concerns, this focused approach nurtures better comprehension and motivates proactive initiatives. Let’s join forces in crafting a sustainable future through impactful communication.

Everything you need to know about our environmental data APIs. Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Contact us.
How are Meersens data calculated?
Meersens collects and aggregates open data (meteorology, satellite, traffic, soil compositions, etc.), and with machine learning technology, it can provide reliable and accurate environmental quality modeling anywhere on the planet and at any time.
It is possible to access historical data up to 3 years back (up to 6 months : hourly granularity ; daily : beyond). Predictive data goes up to 96 hours.
What is the accuracy and reliability of the data?
The data accuracy is 50×50 meters in metropolitan areas. In rural zones, the accuracy may vary. The guaranteed data reliability is 92%, and it can increase in urban areas where more data can be collected and aggregated.
How do the environmental quality indexes work?
The indexes are provided by health organizations (European Environment Agency for EAQI, Air Quality Monitoring Associations for ATMO) or have been created by Meersens for MAQI. Based on the value returned by the modeling at a given moment, the index assigns an indicator of environmental quality (good, moderate, poor, …), along with associated risks and behavioral recommendations. The Meersens MAQI index takes into account WHO standards and specifies the duration of exposure before it poses a health risk.
What happens when the monthly call volume is fully consumed?
Lorsque le volume d’appels mensuel défini dans le contrat est dépassé (le calcul du volume est moyenné sur 3 mois), deux options sont contractuellement possibles :
- L’accès aux APIs est bloqué
- L’accès aux APIs est maintenu, et la surconsommation d’appels est facturée selon les modalités du contrat
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Discover how Meersens can assist you today.
Our experts will be delighted to answer your questions or set up a free demo for you.