mBox Guardian - MMG-175
Discover your sensor user guideProduct :
The mBox Guardian MMG-175 – Wellness The mBox Guardian MMG-175 – Wellness is an intelligent sensor for the overall air quality index. It can monitor fine particles (PM), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), relative humidity, carbon dioxide (CO2), temperature, light, and noise – essentially covering various indicators reflecting air quality.

Sensor Pairing
After receiving an email with your login information, you can begin the pairing of your sensors using one of these methods.
- Through the Meersens SaaS Platform:
- Visit the Meersens platform using the following link: https://eaas.meersens.com/home.
- Go to the “Sensors” tab on your left.
- Click the “Declare a sensor” button to start the pairing process.

4. Enter all required sensor information.
5. Once completed, click on the « Create » button. Your sensor is now connected.

- Through the Meersens Pro app (if available in your contract): After downloading the Meersens Pro app from the Apple or Android app stores, you can initiate the pairing process:

- In your phone’s Meersens Pro app, go to the home page and scroll down to the “Sensors” section. Add a sensor by clicking on the “+” icon on the right.
- Select the “MMG-175” model from the dropdown list
- Choose a name for the sensor to easily identify it later (e.g., meeting room) and enter the serial number.
- Add the sensor’s location and press the “Declare the new sensor” button.
If you have received gateways with your sensors, please refer to the section entitled “Deploying sensors with gateways” at the end of this page, or download the user guide.
Sensor Information
LED Indication

LED Indication in Case of Fault
The LEDs indicate faults as follows:

LED Failure Indication :
If one of the LEDs is detected as faulty during startup, the other LEDs will remain lit indefinitely. This allows for visually identifying the faulty LED or LEDs.
The sensor will continue to measure and communicate normally. This fault will be transmitted in the built-in test.
This test is not conducted during operation, only at startup. Therefore, if an LED fails during operation, this fault will not be detected.
Default Settings
Setpoints have a significant influence on the LED display; it’s important to know the default values.
Default values can be considered a reference since they will be lost after a setting change, and there is no magic button to revert to default values.
In Measurement Threshold Mode (Default)

Note that the Night Mode is not controlled by the built-in light sensor of the probe by default.
Sensor deployment with gateway

A gateway is a device that acts as a bridge between different networks. It enables data to be transferred from a local network to a wider network, such as the Internet. Gateways are often used in situations where a specific building or location has difficulty establishing a direct connection due to physical obstacles or range limitations. In such cases, a LoRa gateway is positioned at a strategic location that can receive signals from LoRaWAN devices inside the building or hard-to-reach area, and then relay these signals to the 3G/4G cellular network.

3G/4G network connection
Connecting to a 3G/4G network makes the LoRa gateway mobile and autonomous. Here are the steps to follow:
- Step 1: Ensure that a SIM card is present in the gateway (slot no. 12) and that it is correctly inserted. It must not protrude from the case.
- Step 2: Install the antenna on the gateway (slot no. 14), then connect the gateway.
- Step 3: Check that the MMG-175 sensor(s) are declared in the Meersens platform.
A red LED flashes during gateway initialization. Wait until the first two LEDs turn steady green.
- Step 4: Connect your sensors.
- Step 5: After 15 minutes, check that your sensor data is being transmitted to the Meersens platform.
If the information is sent back, your gateway is operational.
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