the truth about 5G and what's to be feared ?

5G will sprout in lots of big cities all around the world very soon. The beginning of a faster data network era sparks excitement, mistrust but also vivid oppositions. What’s to be feared and what’s thrilling about 5G? Here is the answer to all of your questions!

Reading time: 6 minutes  
What is 5G and what is its differences with 4G?
5G makes the impossible possible
The impact of 5G on your health
The impact of 5G on the Environment
5G: lots of pros and lots of cons

What is 5G and what is its differences with 4G?

5G (fifth generation cellular network technology) works the same as 4G but will allow data to be transmitted up to 100 times faster. Like any other communication network, 5G operates on specific frequency bands, using spectrum in the current LTE frequency range (600 MHz to 6 GHz) and additional millimeter wave bands (24–86 GHz). Although data transmission will be faster, network coverage will be smaller. To solve this issue, lots of new antennas will have to be installed, which will not only be costly and time consuming but also hazardous for our health. Cherry on the pie, you’ll need 5G compatible smartphones if you want to enjoy higher data transmission speed — we’re not quite there yet!

5G makes the impossible possible

5G will allow high speed connexions of 1Gbps and low latency (no more than 1ms), which means that you’ll receive information almost instantaneously. This opens the door to lots of opportunities that were yet unattainable. 5G will enable major breakthroughs in e-health, transports, data exchange and many more fields. Massive IoT and tactile applications will be developed: telesurgery, remote health care, VR, drone deliveries, self-driving transports… Besides, 5G will be 10 times more energy efficient than previous networks — another great reason for adopting it!

The impact of 5G on your health

Although the promise of a faster connected world sounds appealing, the impact of 5G on our health may restrain its development. In late 2017, 170 doctors in 36 countries warned us on the possible negative effects of 5G on our health and advised the population to take several precautions. While the installation of new 5G infrastructures will lead to an increase in electromagnetic waves, no study has yet been conducted to assess the impact on our health. However, we know for a fact that the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as potential human carcinogens. They are said to increase the risk of developing a glioma (a brain tumor) through the use of mobile phones when calling (because usually hold near the face) — not very reassuring folks… On the one hand it is understandable that questions around our health arises. But on the other hand, it is hard to determine what exact dangers this new technology represents.

The impact of 5G on the Environment

As weird as it sounds, 5G is said to negatively impact the environment, especially insects. According to an article published by Nature, 5G as opposed to 4G, will increase insects’ body temperature because they’ll absorb a very high power considering their size. As for now, it is hard to assess the long-term impacts of such changes but it is believed that it might negatively affect insects such as bees, already threatened by other pollutants. Further studies need to be conducted but we need to stay alert for the consequences due to the development of 5G.

5G: lots of pros and lots of cons

Although 5G represents major breakthroughs and opens the door to the development of lots of new technologies, it will be important to keep an eye on its impact on both our health and the environment. Lots of big carriers such as AT&T and Verizon already offer 5G mobile plans, but coverage is small and availability limited to a few cities. It is advised to wait until 2020 to fully enjoy it.

You can find more information and good daily habits on the Meersens app, the guardian of your health.

Sources :

Scientists warn of potential serious health effects of 5G, September 11th 2017
Arno Thielens, Duncan Bell, David B. Mortimore and al., Exposure of Insects to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to 120 GHz, Scientific Reports volume 8, Article number: 3924, 2018
Brice Louvet, Comment la 5G va-t-elle changer nos vies ? 11 octobre 2018,
Arnaud Hacquin, La 5G est-elle bonne pour la (e)santé ? 28 juillet 2019
Gouvernement français ARCEP, 5G Une feuille de route ambitieuse pour la France, 16 juillet 2018,

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