World Overshoot Day: an urgent call to action for the planet
Every year, humanity is depleting natural resources at an increasingly rapid pace, resources that our planet takes months or even years to regenerate. The Global Overshoot Day marks the moment when we have consumed all the resources that Earth can produce in one year. It is a stark warning, a powerful reminder of the climate and environmental urgency we are facing
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August 2, 2023: humanity’s day of overshoot 😔
According to Footprint Data Foundation et la Global Footprint Network,it would take 1.75 Earths to support the world’s population.
What is the Global Overshoot Day, and how is it calculated?
The impact of the Global Overshoot Day
The Global Overshoot Day in 2023 by country
The Global Overshoot Day in France in 2023
Take action to reverse the trend
What is the Global Overshoot Day, and how is it calculated?
The Global Overshoot Day is calculated by the NGO Global Footprint Network every year based on 3 million statistical data points from 200 countries.
It is based on the comparison between our ecological footprint – which is the amount of natural resources we consume – and the Earth’s regenerative capacity (or biocapacity).
(Biocapacity ÷ Ecological footprint) x 365
When the demand exceeds the capacity for ecosystems to renew, we enter a state of ecological debt. In other words, we draw from the Earth’s resources faster than it can replenish them. The Global Overshoot Day marks the day of the year when this ecological debt is reached.
The impact of the Global Overshoot Day
Over the years, the date of the Global Overshoot Day, which marks the moment when humanity has consumed all the resources that Earth can regenerate in one year, has steadily and worryingly advanced. In 1971, this date fell on December 25th. Then, in 1995, it had advanced by three months to October 9th. In 2023, this alarming trend has intensified, with an advancement of five months, bringing the Overshoot Day to August 2nd. Unfortunately, this concerning evolution shows no signs of slowing down.

Source : Statista
This overexploitation of resources has disastrous consequences on the environment and ecosystems of our planet, all contributing to global warming and dangerous climate changes.
❌Loss of biodiversity,
❌Depletion of water reserves,
❌Deterioration of soils,
❌Accumulation of greenhouse gases
We are already witnessing extreme climate events such as prolonged droughts, devastating floods, and more violent storms.
In addition to the environmental consequences, the Global Overshoot Day also brings about social and economic repercussions. Disadvantaged communities are often the hardest hit by resource scarcity and the impacts of climate change.
The Global Overshoot Day in 2022 by country
The overshooting of resources and the ecological footprint vary considerably among countries due to their lifestyles, environmental policies, economic systems, and population size. It is essential to note that the responsibility for overshooting resources is not solely based on carbon emissions or resource overconsumption but also on factors such as deforestation, waste management, agriculture, etc.
The countries most responsible for overshooting resources are generally those with high industrialization and high energy consumption. The United States, China, India, Brazil, and Russia are often cited as among the largest contributors to the global ecological footprint due to their size, level of economic development, and population.

On the other hand, some countries have managed to maintain a more sustainable ecological footprint, often by implementing robust environmental policies and promoting renewable energies.
Nordic countries such as Sweden, Finland, and Denmark generally have a lower ecological footprint due to their extensive use of renewable energies, sustainable management of natural resources, and environmental awareness.
It is important to note that these trends may evolve over time based on government policies, public initiatives, and the growing awareness of global environmental urgency. Countries worldwide must work together to collectively reduce the ecological footprint and preserve our planet for future generations.
The Global Overshoot Day in France in 2023″
In France, the Global Overshoot Day occurred on May 5, 2023. If the entire global population lived like the inhabitants of France, humanity would need almost three Earths to meet its needs.
According to calculations by the NGO, 29% of France’s ecological footprint would come from our food consumption. To transition to a sustainable consumption mode, we will need to change our habits.
According to WWF, these changes can be made in our daily meals. For example, by reducing our consumption of meat and processed products. Alternatively, by focusing our diet on local and seasonal products.
Take action to reverse the trend
In the face of this urgency, it is crucial to take concrete actions to reverse the trend of the Global Overshoot Day.
✔️ Responsible consumption: Adopt a sustainable lifestyle by prioritizing local, sustainable, and environmentally-friendly products. Reduce your energy consumption and avoid wastage.
✔️ Energy Transition: Promote renewable energies such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power. Support public policies that encourage the transition to renewable energy.
✔️ Ecosystem protection: Support biodiversity conservation projects and reforestation initiatives. Preserve the natural habitats of endangered species.
✔️ Political mobilization: Demand concrete actions from governments to combat climate change and implement environmentally-friendly policies.
✔️ Awareness and education: Stay informed about environmental issues and raise awareness among those around you about the importance of sustainability.
The Global Overshoot Day is a poignant reminder that our current way of life is not sustainable, and we must act now to preserve our planet for future generations.
Cities, businesses, or countries that do not prepare for the foreseeable future mentioned above will be at a significant disadvantage. Moreover, they play a crucial role in reversing the trend of the Overshoot Day.
Urban planning, sustainable transportation, improving energy efficiency, environmental monitoring, raising awareness… Let’s discuss it!
Let us not forget: there is no Planet B. 🌍