Exposome – the concept to know to act on the health of employees The concept of exposome is quite recent, introduced in 2005 by researcher Christopher Wild, former director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). It allows the study of the...
Each year, in the world it is about 13 million deaths due to environment and 7 million premature deaths due to a bad air quality. Cancers, diabetes, diseases, chronic respiratory, cardiovascular obesity … these chronic diseases so called “of...
Chacun s’interroge, à l’approche du déconfinement progressif, sur le port du masque, et où les trouver. Entre masque DIY et explosion des prix… Il est important de mesurer leur efficacité et de bien faire son choix ! Temps de lecture : 3 minutes...
Afin de lutter contre la pandémie liée au Covid-19 des mesures de confinement ont été mises en place pour permettre une application de la distanciation sociale et ainsi réduire les contaminations. Cependant, si le confinement permet de réduire les risques de...
“Tech for good” is a global movement aspiring to use technology for the good of humans, the planet and of societal utility. The actors of this movement respond in particular to the sustainable development goals #GlobalGoals defined by the United Nations....
Exposome, a recent concept which is gaining momentum, it highlights the impact of the environment on an individual’s health during their lifetime. European projects, health law, exposure sciences and researchers aim to understand the association between health,...