Améliorer les Smart City avec l'intelligence environnementale

Urban health and well-being

how environmental modeling is transforming our cities.

The concept of the ‘Smart City’ is constantly evolving with the integration of advanced technologies into cities worldwide to improve the quality of life for citizens. Air quality is a major concern in urban environments due to air pollutant emissions, traffic, and increasing industrialization. Environmental modeling has become an essential tool to understand and address these issues while safeguarding public health.

Reading time: 4 minutes



Why is air quality crucial for Smart Cities?
Understanding environmental modeling
The benefits of modeling for cities and territories

Why is air quality crucial for Smart Cities?

Cities strive to create a healthier, sustainable, and enjoyable urban environment for their residents. However, poor air quality can jeopardize these goals. Fine particles, toxic gases, and air pollution can have a significant impact on citizens’ health, leading to respiratory illnesses, cardiovascular disorders, and even premature deaths.

In France, the national health agency has estimated  48 000  deaths per year related to air pollution.

Air quality modeling has become a crucial tool for smart cities. It provides decision-makers with reliable data for real-time monitoring of air quality at the local level. This data will assist them in their decision-making process and the implementation of actions aimed at reducing air pollution, thereby minimizing health risks and improving residents’ quality of life.

Understanding environmental modeling

Environmental modeling is a complex process that integrates data from atmospheric sensors, monitoring stations, and satellites.

These data are then analyzed using advanced algorithms to create predictive models of air quality over a specific time period and in a specific geographic area, predicting the concentration of pollutants (fine particulate matter (PM2.5), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), ozone (O3), etc.), noise, pollen, UV levels, weather, wildfires, and more. These models take into account factors such as industrial emissions, traffic, weather, and regional topography, for example

The benefits of modeling for cities and territories

Air quality modeling offers numerous advantages within Smart Cities:


Public health protection:

One of the most evident benefits of air quality modeling is its ability to protect the health of residents. High levels of air pollutants are linked to a wide range of health issues, including respiratory diseases, heart diseases, cancer, and even neurological disorders. By understanding how and where these pollutants spread, authorities can take measures to reduce the population’s exposure (such as traffic restriction zones, public transportation usage, transitioning to cleaner energy sources), thus contributing to the prevention of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, leading to significant cost savings in healthcare.


Prediction and management of risk events:

Environmental modeling is also essential for the management of extreme events, such as pollution peaks, forest fires, and smog episodes. By forecasting these events, authorities can issue warnings, recommend safety measures, and take actions to protect the population.


Public awareness:

Another advantage of modeling is its capacity to raise public awareness about air quality issues. By providing accurate data about environmental quality in a city, residents become more aware of potential health risks. This can encourage them to modify their behavior.

This information can then be made available to the public through mobile applications or websites, allowing residents to make informed decisions, such as choosing less-polluted routes or avoiding outdoor activities during pollution peaks.


Smarter urban planning:

Environmental modeling enables Smart Cities to make strategic and thoughtful urban planning decisions. By using real-time air quality data, authorities can target highly polluted areas, reduce pollutant emissions, optimize transportation infrastructure, promote urban greenery, encourage alternative modes of transportation, and promote sustainable construction. As a result, these cities create healthier and more sustainable urban environments, thereby improving residents’ quality of life and contributing to long-term public health protection.

Environmental modeling is a powerful tool for cities, providing them with valuable insights into current and future air quality. Investment in these modeling technologies is not only beneficial for the environment but also contributes to the creation of healthier and more sustainable cities for everyone.


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Meersens est une entreprise à impact positif dans le domaine de la santé environnementale, mobilisée pour créer un avenir durable, permettant d’atténuer les risques environnementaux et de contribuer positivement à la santé et au bien-être des parties prenantes – en offrant une surveillance et une prévention environnementales personnalisées.

Meersens offre une vision et une surveillance multi-polluants à 360°, en temps réel, historique et prédictive, pour n’importe quel lieu, avec une grande précision, vous permettant d’atténuer les risques et de prendre de meilleures décisions.

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