90% 9 out of 10 people breathe polluted air worldwide. WHO
12 000 liters of air drawn per day on average per person. Without knowing the quality or the composition.
Indoor air quality is 2 to 5 times worsethat of the outside and is in the 5 first environmental risksin Public Health EPA agency US
Reduce our exposure, but why?
The air pollution such as organic pollutants, chemical pollutants, particulates, radioactive gases, moisture, cleaning products, paints … are pollutants that we breathe every day and that it is urgent to control in order to protect oneself from it.
Control your exposure in real time

Wherever you are, Meersens helps you measure your exposure and empowers you.
Find out in real time your exposure to indoor air pollutants and air pollutants and identify the source of exposure in order to adopt the right actions. O3, NO2, VOC, PM2.5, PM10 will have no more secrets for you! Headaches, fatigue, coughs, allergies, asthma, respiratory failure, hormonal problems, lack of energy … can be the consequences of overexposure to polluted air.
Meersens guides you to fresh air wherever you are and at any time of the day.
With the Meersens solution and its global community of whistleblowers, explore a complete mapping, wherever you are in the world of all air quality alerts and measurements. Want to go running? An exit to the park? A planned trip? Choose the least exposed place and take your precautions.
One press for immediate measurement!
Thanks to the mBox and its mSens sensors, you can obtain the scientific result of your analysis and the WHO risk scale in just a few seconds. An analysis of the exposome (word exposome: link to the exposome page) pollutants by pollutants in one click! A pocket laboratory did you say ?! Yes!
Your health indicator that will follow you throughout the day.
This environmental quality index allows you to analyze in real time, pollutant by pollutant, the impact of risks on your health. By taking into account an infinity of variables such as your personal profile, your pathologies, your exposure monitoring and your life habits …
Adopt the right actions for a healthier life!
It’s not only during pollution episodes that we have to protect ourselves and do the right things, but every day, to reduce the risks to our health.
Join a global community of whistleblowers working for healthier lives.
A cloud of pollution? A pollen allergy? An asthma attack? Inform other users by launching an alert, thereby enabling them to avoid a risk zone, in particular for people with health problems.
New on air pollution
Qualité de l’air en France 2023 : des émissions en baisse, mais des défis à relever
Qualité de l’air en France 2023 : des émissions en baisse, mais des défis à relever La qualité de l’air est un enjeu majeur de santé publique et de bien-être, et à l’occasion de la Journée nationale de la qualité de l’air (JNQA) le 14 octobre, un bilan très attendu...
PM2.5 concentrations: only 7 countries meet WHO standards
According to a recent study, only 7 out of 134 countries examined meet the standards set by the WHO for fine particulate matter.
Pollen: Climate change, a factor increasing allergies
Pollen and climate change: a significant impact on the quantity and allergenic potential of pollen.
The MAQI: global air quality and health index for all
The MAQI: the first global air quality index taking into account the impact of environment and health.
Our solutions to protect against pollutants

The mBox and its mSens sensors
The connected object that adapts to your daily life and helps you make the best choices for your health and that of your loved ones.
Do not just control the air you breathe! But also the water you drink, the waves you are exposed to or the food you consume …