Threshold of pain regarding loudness. But the ear suffers damage from 85dB.
French suffer from hearing problems, including 2 million under 55 years old. AFSSE
Reduce noise pollution,
but why?
Even if, for the same level of noise exposure, the effects can vary greatly from one individual to another, this accumulation of high intensity noise is a real danger that is now well known; Beyond the only auditory sphere, noise can affect the individual and cause disorders of very different forms.
Because we are entitled to ask ourselves about the impact on our health, let’s take stock together.
Join us and take action by making the invisible visible for a healthier life.
Reduce your exposure!

Thanks to Meersens, it is possible to avoid very noisy areas.
The application and the mBox offer the possibility of preventing noise, regardless of its source.
The Meersens app guides you to the noisiest areas, wherever you are!
With the Meersens solution and its global community of whistleblowers, explore a complete mapping, wherever you are in the world of all noise alerts and measurements. An exit to the park? A planned trip? Choose the least exposed place and take your precautions.
Analyze the noise levels around you in real time and wherever you are thanks to the mBox.
One press for immediate measurement thanks to the mBox, the connected object that adapts to your daily life and helps you make the best choices for your health and that of your loved ones.
Your health indicator that will follow you throughout the day.
This environmental quality index allows you to analyze in real time, pollutant by pollutant, the impact of risks on your health. By taking into account an infinity of variables such as your personal profile, your pathologies, your exposure monitoring and your life habits …
Adopt the right actions for a healthier life!
It’s not only during episodes of high noise pollution that we have to protect ourselves and take the right actions, but every day, to reduce the risks to our health.
Join a global community of whistleblowers working for healthier lives.
Too much noise around you ?! Inform other users by launching an alert, thereby enabling them to avoid these risks, in particular for children and people with health problems.
News on noise pollution
The MAQI: global air quality and health index for all
The MAQI: the first global air quality index taking into account the impact of environment and health.
Cancer prevention: the positive impact of environmental data
Cancer and Environment: The Positive Impact of Environmental Data to Reduce Cancer Incidence.
The noise maps in France
Noise maps: Mandatory every 5 years according to European regulations, they assess noise exposure from transportation and industries
Le classement des Villes Santé 2024 en France
Villes santé 2024 : découvrez sans plus tarder notre classement des villes où il fait bon vivre en 2024 en France.
Our solutions to limit exposure

The mBox and its mSens sensors
The connected object that adapts to your daily life and helps you make the best choices for your health and that of your loved ones.