of the world’s urban population does not breathe healthy air. In 2012, 6.5 million deaths were attributed to air pollution. WHO
people die every year because of the insalubrity of their drinking water and lack of sanitation and hygiene. WHO
of the current supermarket supply is based on Ultra-processed foods (UPF), more than a third of the food consumed by the French.
Let’s act together,
At Meersens, Public Health is our priority and we decided to act by making visible the invisible of our immediate environment, in time, we are dealing with the exposome.
Environment and health have today become the major challenges of our modern societies and there is an urgent need to control them. So let’s work for a healthier life.
Augment your experience
The mBox and its mSens
Immediate and precise measurement at 1m around you, wherever you are!
mBox, the device that adapts to your daily life and helps you make the best choices for your health and that of your loved ones. Control in real time the impact of risks to your health, wherever you are.
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Let’s work together for a better world.
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